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愿景 Vision


Pioneer always at the forefront of China’s economic modernization,

strive to be a world-class bank.


使命 Mission



Provide better service to our customers,create higher value to our shareholders,

build up broader career path for our associates and

assume full responsibilities as a corporate citizen.


核心价值观 Core Values

诚实 公正 稳健 创造



理念 Concepts

经营理念:以市场为导向 以客户为中心

Business concept:Market-oriented,customer-centric

服务理念:客户至上 注重细节

Service concept:Customer first,detail-focused

风险理念:了解客户 理解市场 全员参与 抓住关键

Risk concept:Knowing the customer,understanding the market,

involving all associates,focusing on top prioritise

人才理念:注重综合素质 突出业绩实效

Talent concept:Emphasis on comprehensive talent,

focus on business performance


作风 Style of Work

勤奋严谨 求真务实

Diligent and disciplined,seeking truth and reality


宣传用语 Slogans

中国建设银行 建设现代生活

China Construction Bank,Builds Modern Living

与客户同发展 与社会共繁荣

Progress with Our Customers,Prosper with the Society

不断创新 追求卓越

Continuous Innovation in Pursuit of Excellence

善建者行  成其久远

An Excellence-pursuer,A Partner Forever