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What is the RQFII program?

RQFII: Renminbi Qualified Institutional Investor Launched in 2011, RQFII is intrinsincly similar to the QFII program but feature more flexibility regarding the application procedure. To apply, obtaining a licence from CSRC and a quota from SAFE are required. The investment principal will be wired in RMB.
*CSRC: China Securities Regulatory Commission
**SAFE: State Administration of Foreign Exchanges
China Construction Bank Zurich Branch will assist you all along the process to become a RQFII participant. To apply, the RQFII program only requires the applicant to be a licensed asset manager.
Every participant will be granted a quota. Currently Switzerland beneficiates from a  ceiling of RMB 50 Billion (= CHF 7.3 Billion) agreed by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Swiss National Bank and the People’s Bank of China.

